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Liberty USA Traveling

Liberty USA Traveling


Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty), located at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor, Liberty Island, United States.

The Statue of Liberty is a giant-sized statue, which is a symbol of welcome to visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of pride-the City of New York and especially for the United States, the statue has become a symbol of the most famous around the world, this sculpture symbolizes independence and freedom from pressure.

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The actual name of this statue is Liberty Enlightening the World that means is Liberty Lighting the World The. The statue was described as a woman who is free themselves from the shackles of tyranny with the right hand holding a flaming torch with fire, symbolizes a freedom. While his left hand holding a book with the inscription July 4, 1776 (with writing Roman numerals) which is the day of American independence. This woman sculpture hanging robes and seven shadow of big spikes on the crown represent the seven oceans are and continents.

The statue called the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States, given in commemoration of the centennial of independence of the United States and thus is an expression of friendship from the people of these two countries. The statue was given at the end of the 19th century, that on October 28, 1886.

In the process, the Statue of Liberty has become a symbol of the International as a symbol of a freedom.


Manufacturing History Statue of Liberty

For the first time the statue of Goddess of Independence was made and prepared in France in 1874. The statue was designed by French sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and which was completed in July 1884.

After completion of the manufacture and formulation, the statue was then disassembled and packed in 200 large cargo to be shipped to United States. After arriving in the United States, the statue was then reassembled on Bedloe's Island, at the mouth of the port of New York City.

In the process, it turns packing the Statue of Liberty this requires quite a long time, so that the Statue of Liberty can only be inaugurated by President Grover Cleveland on October 28, 1886, which is ten years after the anniversary of the independence of the United States one hundred.

The Statue of Liberty is 46 meters high, weighs 204 tons. The Statue of Liberty stands as high as 47 feet above the runway, so if the calculated height of the foundation base, then this statue has a height of up to 93 meters. The cornerstone of the Statue of Liberty was designed by Richard Morris Hunt by using materials of concrete and granite.

The exterior of the statue is made of copper plate thickness 2.4 mm (0.01 in.) mounted on the steel frame, it has a primary function as a buffer structure inside the statue. Planning steel structure propping it was Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (Eiffel Tower Designers planning).

Been to Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is in New York Harbor, Liberty Island. Liberty (English), which means independence, freedom. Visits to the United States was not complete if you have not seen the Statue of Liberty, as the Statue of Liberty is reflect the face of America with independence, freedom and economic power.

To visit the Liberty Island ferry has been provided that departs every hour and travel time ± 45 minutes. Ferry vessel began departing from 09.00 am to 04.00 pm towards Liberty Island. Time to visit the Statue of Liberty is open every day, ranging from 09.00.
Posted by Unknown, Published at 06:21 and have

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